

Oboe 发表于 2023-12-5 15:45:50 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式 关闭右栏 0 107

  姚桑琳,现任香港演艺学院木管乐、铜管乐及敲击乐系主任。毕业于香港演艺学院,同年赢得香港赛马会音乐及舞蹈信托基金颁奖学金先后前往昆土兰音乐学院、英国皇家音乐学院、荷兰鹿特丹音乐学院及德国科隆国立音乐学院深造,师承陈国昌、Peter Cooper、Anthony Camden、Celia Nicklin、George Caird、Emanuel Abbühl 及 Christian Schneider,亦受教于 Thomas Indermühle、Lothar Koch 及 Maurice Bourgue 。1994年以优异成绩毕业于德国科隆国立音乐学院,获授艺术家文凭。在欧洲期间姚桑琳多次以独奏家身份与众多国际交响乐团及室内乐团合作,并应邀与在Sir Neville Marriner指挥下之世界著名圣马田室乐团及伦敦名家乐团同台演出。2007年至2011年,应国际双簧管协会之邀请前往美国纽约、犹他州、亚里桑那州及英国伯明翰献艺。被邀担任著名的瑞士Muri 国际双簧管比赛及2015年东京国际双簧协会年会Fernard Gillet-Hugo Fox国际比赛的决赛评委。

  Born in Hong Kong, Yiu Song-Lam graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. After winning the 1st prize of the Hong Kong Jockey Club foundation and being awarded the top Scholarship from Hong Kong, he pursued his studies at the Queensland Conservatorium, the Royal Academy of Music in London, the Rotterdam Conservatorium and the Köln Musikhochschule, where he was awarded the Diploma der Künstlerischen Abschlußprüfung with distinction in 1994. His teachers include Chan Kwok Cheung, Peter Cooper, Anthony Camden, Celia Nicklin, George Caird, Emanuel Abbühl and Christian Schneider. He has also attended the classes of Thomas Indermühle, Lothar Koch and Maurice Bourgue.
  As a soloist, Yiu Song-Lam has appeared with the Goldberg Ensemble from England, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, the Macau Orchestra and the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra. Between 1998 and 2003, he was Co-Principal Oboe of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta.
  Yiu Song-Lam was invited to perform with the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields under the baton of Sir Neville Marriner on their Hong Kong tour as well as with the London Virtuosi on their tour of Spain. He has also participated in composers' presentation concerts such as the International Society of Contemporary Music (ISCM) in 1988, 2002 and 2007 as well as festivals in Japan, Canada, England, Holland, France, Germany, Italy and Salzburg in Austria. Yiu Song-Lam has also taken part in the International Double Reed Society annual conferences in New York, Utah and Birmingham in 2007, 2008 and 2009.
  As a chamber musician, Yiu Song-Lam performs intensively and is the founder and Director of the Hong Kong Wind Kamerata. He has given master classes at the Xian Conservatory, the Guangzhou Conservatory, the Shanghai Conservatory, Taiwan National Chiayi University and the Macau Culture Department. He is currently oboe lecturer and chamber music coach at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Baptist University.


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