双簧管演奏家乔纳森·斯莫1979 年获得皇家音乐学院的研究生文凭。他早年随Goossens,Sutcliffe,Michael Winfield 三位英国双簧管演奏大师学习演奏,后又受到柏林爱乐乐团双簧管首席Lothar Koch 的指导。
1977 年至1980 年,乔纳森·斯莫以职业音乐家的身份参加过BBC 交响乐团、北方管弦乐团、利物浦皇家爱乐乐团、阿尔斯特交响乐团、BBC 音乐会管弦乐队、国家爱乐交响乐团的排练与演出。1980年至1984 年,乔纳森·斯莫担任苏格兰歌剧院交响乐团首席双簧管,并于1981 年发起组建了“完美重奏组”,演出了大量的独奏和室内乐作品。自1984 年起至今,乔纳森·斯莫一直担任利物浦皇家爱乐乐团的首席双簧管。在此期间还客串了许多英国的著名乐团,其中包括皇家爱乐乐团、哈雷管弦乐团、BBC 爱乐乐团,苏格兰室内乐团,北方管弦乐团。他现在英国皇家北方音乐学院担任双簧管教授,同时也是北京中央音乐学院客座教授,2001 年和2004 年曾两次在中央音乐学院开设大师班。乔纳森·斯莫在利物浦皇家爱乐乐团每一个季节都有双簧管的协奏曲音乐会,其中曲目包括理查·施特劳斯、沃恩·威廉斯、莫扎特、马蒂农、恩·弗朗塞、巴赫、亨德尔、萨利埃利等众多著名作曲家的作品。
乔纳森·斯莫经常以独奏家的身份活跃在各国的舞台上。1992 年他在捷克首都布拉格与布拉格交响乐团合作演出了理查·施特劳斯的双簧管协奏曲;1993 年、1995 年和1997 年,在美国首都华盛顿与国家室内乐团合作分别演出了沃恩·威廉斯、理查·施特劳斯、莫扎特和巴赫的双簧管协奏曲;1996 年在瑞典的Helsingborg 与Helsingborg交响乐团合作演出了马蒂农和莫扎特的双簧管协奏曲;同年还在德国的Konstanz 与德国西北交响乐团合作连续演出了四场马蒂农的双簧管协奏曲;1998 年,又在捷克布拉格之春音乐节上演出了作曲家马蒂农的双簧管协奏曲,被捷克音乐评论家誉为最有风度的演奏家。同时,作为一名优秀的英国双簧管演奏家,许多的英国作曲家都选择了让乔纳森·斯莫来首次公演他们的作品,其中有John Maxwell Geddes,Edward Harper 等一批英国公认的优秀作曲家。
Jonathan Small, principal oboist and soloist with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, and Guest Professor of Oboe at Beijing Central Conservatory enjoys a seasoned reputation as a highly inpidual artist, whose eloquent, inspired playing combines inpiduality with unceasing scholarship. His aspirations as an oboist stem from the expressive flexibility of the English tradition, as represented by artists such as Roger Lord and Michael Winfield (with whom Jonathan studied at the Royal College of Music, London), blended with the special richness, vitality and tone colour of the German school as exemplified by the late Lothar Koch of the Berlin Philharmonic. Jonathan plays on instruments made by J. Püchner of Nauheim, Germany, which he has represented in the UK since 1991.
Jonathan's excellent recording of the Strauss Concerto is available on Avie, and his world-class EMI performance of the Vaughan Williams Concerto with the late Vernon Handley remains a recommended recording. His Naxos centenary recording (2006) of William Alwyn's Oboe Concerto received the highest rating for performance from BBC Music Magazine. In 2010 Jonathan recorded an album of English oboe concertos for Dutton Epoch, works by Cyril Scott, Armstrong Gibbs, Christopher wright and Elis Pehkonen.
Jonathan has always been active in contemporary music, and plays regularly with Liverpool Philharmonic’s Ensemble 10:10. He gave the premiere of Mark Simpson’s Nur Musik in 2008, and in January 2009 Jonathan performed Chen Qigang’s Extase II, and he will perform the work again next month at the International DoubleReed Society Convention in New York, USA. September 2010 saw the UK premiere of the oboe concerto by Rodion Shchedrin (commissioned by jointly by the RLPO and Concertgebouw Orchestra) with the RLPO and Vasily Petrenko. Jonathan has previously premiered concertos by Haim Permont, and John Maxwell Geddes. His many solo appearances abroad include invitations to the Czech Republic - where he gave the Martinu Concerto at Prague Spring Festival;Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, USA, Australia.
Jonathan has also enjoyed a long tenure as senior tutor of oboe at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. His former students have gone on to secure careers and positions in orchestras and universities in the UK and abroad.
Jonathan is now also building a career as a conductor, espousing the same values he holds dear as an instrumentalist. He works with professional and amateur ensembles, and recently conducted the wind section of the RLPO in a highly acclaimed performance of Mozart and Richard Strauss. Jonathan has conducted the Wirral Symphony Orchestra since 2008. Under Jonathan’s leadership the WSO is rapidly becoming the leading amateur symphony orchestra in the northwest of England, most recently performing Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony at Chester Cathedral, and Durufle’s Requiem at Notre Dame de Le Havre, in Normandy.